Antiplatelet activity by plant extracts pdf

The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of c. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ulmus macrocarpa extract ume on thrombus formation in vivo, platelet activation ex vivo and fibrinolytic activity in vitro. Evaluation of anticoagulant and antiplatelet activity of. Few plant extracts and their products having fibrinolytic activity are identified, which includes lumbricus rubellus 39, pleurotus ostreatus 40, spirodela polyrhiza 41, flammulina velutipes 42, and ganoderma lucidum 43, ginger. Determination of antibacterial, antioxidant, antiplatelet and. Materials and methods an assay employing in vitro copperinduced oxidation of serum lipids was used to assess antioxidant activity of cr extract and tannin, flavonoid and pre and post. A thorough evaluation of the antiplatelet activity profile of hexane olive leaf extract in human platelets indicated a potent activity accomplished through a two axis inhibition of platelet activation triggered both by adp and thrombin. The dietary intake of traditional plant crops such as quinoa chenopodium quinoa willd and lupin lupinus spp. Antiplatelet aggregation and antithrombotic benefits of. Antibacterial activity of ticagrelor in conventional.

However, the recommendations for the use of different dietary supplements are often based on case reports, small clinical experiments, and animal studies, and these supplements are often widely adopted by the public before adequate data about their efficacy and safety are. Phytochemicalassay and antiplatelet activity of fractions. Because of the sideeffects of commonly used anti platelet and anticoagulant drugs, investigations into plant substances with similar activities are very common. Because of the sideeffects of commonly used antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, investigations into plant substances with similar activities are very common. In addition, several isolated compounds from both species have demonstrated invitro antiplatelet activity ivaa 15, 16. Madhura mukadam department of zoology, gogate jogalekar college, ratnagiri, maharastra, india abstractmosquitoes are the major vector for the transmission of malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, filariasis, schistosomiasis and japanese encephalitis. Subsequently, the extracts were filtered and evaporated in vacuo to give crude residues in the fol. In vitro anticancer and antiplatelet activity of zinc oxide. Phenolic compounds, antiplatelet activity, antiinflammatory activity, collagen, adp, cox enzymes. Spe supported silver nanoparticles, email protected are characterized by uvvis. Dual anticoagulantantiplatelet activity of polyphenolic.

To delineate the extract components responsible for this dual activity, an nmr based method was established to determine and quantify the triterpenoid content. Comparative study of antiplatelet aggregation activity of. The type one isoenzyme of prostaglandin gh synthase is constitutively expressed in platelets, where synthesis and release the antiplatelet activity. Based on these preliminary results, it can be suggested that the aqueous extract of this species has anticoagulant and antiplatelet activities. While the maturation stage of the tomato fruit affected the antioxidant effect, antiplatelet activity was independent of fruit ripeness. In vitro study of the anticoagulant activity of some plant. Biological activities of the hydroalcoholic and aqueous. L of the plant extract was added to a cuvette containing diluted whole blood and the mixture was incubated at 37c for four minutes prior to addition of agonist. Testing antiplatelet and antioxidant activity of the. The effect of various plant extracts was measured on several important oxidation indicators.

Antiplatelet properties of phenolic extracts from the leaves. Antiplatelet, antithrombotic, and fibrinolytic activities. Antiplatelet, anticoagulant, and fibrinolytic activity in vitro of extracts from selected fruits and vegetables. Antioxidant and antiplatelet activities of flavonoidrich. Pomace extracts showed the highest antiplatelet activity induced by adp, collagen, trap6, and arachidonic acid. Request pdf deconvoluting the dual antiplatelet activity of a plant extract a thorough evaluation of the antiplatelet activity profile of hexane olive leaf extract in human platelets indicated.

Notwithstanding, our findings also encourage future investigation of potential new ticagrelorderived antibiotics, devoid of antiplatelet activity, against. The hplc method was useful for the quantitative purpose of ephedrine. In vitro anticancer and antiplatelet activity of zinc. In vitro platelet aggregation inhibition activity of. Larvicidal activity of some plant extracts against mosquitoes. Evaluation of anticoagulant and antiplatelet activity of pisum sativum pod extract chethana ramachandraiah 1, sharath kumar m nandish 1, jayanna kengaiah 1, ashwini shivaiah 1, chandramma 1, kesturu s. Asteraceae grown in jordan were screened for their antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiplatelet, antiproliferative and acetylcholinesterase ache inhibition efficacy. Pdf antiplatelet activity of methanolic extract of acacia. A major risk factor for cvd is platelet aggregation. Comparative study of natural phenolic acids and flavonols as. Evidencebased complementary and alternative medicine. Antiplatelet aggregation activity of walnut hull extract. Antiplatelet activity of natural bioactive extracts from. The results showed significant increase in rbcs, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets counts up to 1.

The extract of the solute in flow rate of 1 mlmin at the wavelength 210 nm and methanolic extract showed the antioxidant activity and powerful oxygen free radicals scavenging activities and the ic50 for the e. Platelets, platelet products and thombosis play important roles in the occurrence of acute occlusive vascular events, including myocardial infarction. Researchers have proposed that berberine significantly inhibited platelet aggregation by inhibiting synthesis of thromboxane a2 induced by adenine diphosphate, arachidonic acid, collagen chu et al. The flavor and aroma 17 as well as the antithrombotic properties of garlic and onion 1, 16 are attributed to a suite of. The data showed the potential use of the most active compounds in dietary foods and pharmaceutical industries. South african plants, antioxidant assay, antiplatelet activity, cytotoxicity effect. Antiplatelet aggregation and antithrombotic benefits of terpenes and flavones from hawthorn leaf extract isolated using the activity guided method p. This work was aimed to assess the possible antiplatelet activity of sop extracts in 50 % and 70 % ethanol sope 50 and sope. Materials and methods reagents pt and aptt reagents were purchased from agappe diagnostic pvt. The aqueous extracts of tree medicinal plants thymus atlanticus t.

Antiplatelet aggregation activity of walnut hull extract via. Preliminary studies on anticoagulation and antiplatelet. In vitroin vitro antiplatelet activity guided fractionation of aerial parts ofaerial parts of melothria maderaspatana r. Assessment of antioxidant activity of plant extracts by. Once the antiplatelet activity of antiaggregatory plant extract was established, doseresponse curves were constructed to calculate 50% inhibitory concentration of the inhibitors. Antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antiplatelet activities of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using selaginella sanjeevini plant extract march 2019 international journal of biological. The nigella sativa seed extract may be further investigated for in vivo antiplatelet activity since plant origin agents are believed to have less unwanted side effects. Feb 17, 20 pomace extracts showed the highest antiplatelet activity induced by adp, collagen, trap6, and arachidonic acid.

The plant has been shown to exhibit antibacterial antiinflammatory 24. The antiplatelet activity of rutin,4 one of the major quercetin derivatives identified in noni fruits and leaves,2 could be present in products derived from these parts of this plant species. A study of antimicrobial activity of few medicinal herbs. Evidencebased complementary and alternative medicine hindawi. Chapter 5 evaluation of selected south african plant species. Extracts prepared from the mucilaginous myxotesta of the tomato seeds exerted the greatest antiplatelet activity induced by adp independent of the ripening stages green and red ripe tomato. In 2016, coronary heart diseases were accounted for 43 % of deaths followed by stroke 17 %, high blood pressure 10 %, heart failure 9 %, diseases of the arteries 3 %, and other cardiovascular diseases. The extent of platelet aggregation was measured with an. Silver nanoparticles with an average size of 510 nm are synthesized and stabilized by a selaginella plant extract spe. Girish 1, kempaiah kemparaju 2 and devaraja sannaningaiah 1. In vitro antioxidant, antiplatelet and antiinflammatory. Antibacterial activity of some medicinal plant methanol extracts 50 g mlg1 and fungicide 60 g mlg1 against fungal species tested by disc di ffusion zone of inhibition mm botanical species acacia nilotica withania somnifera bacteria species spp bark leaves bacillus subtilis 160.

Various mechanisms have been proposed for the antiplatelet activity of different isolated plant alkaloids figure figure1. Figure 1 antiplatelet activity of hydroethanolic extract of white nelumbo nucifera flower extract. Extract of ulmus macrocarpa hance prevents thrombus. In a previous work based on popular belief, campomanesia xanthocarpa berg. In vivo assessment of anticoagulant and antiplatelet. The in vivo demonstration of antibacterial activity of ticagrelor antiplatelet dosages was obtained in the mouse, which differs from humans in terms of ticagrelor pharmacokinetics. Both leaf and twig extracts were found to display anti platelet activity in vitro.

Antioxidant and antiplatelet activities in extracts from. Antiplatelet activity of methanolic extract of acacia leucophloea bark. Antiplatelet but not anticoagulant activity of morinda. Furthermore, the antiplatelet activity of white flowers was relatively high p extracts of achillea fragrantissima l. Dietary supplements are a very commonly used modality in complementary and alternative medicine 79.

Antiplatelet activity of methanolic extract of acacia. To verify the antiplatelet activity of wdc extracts, namely water crude, h 2 o, dichloromethane ch 2 cl 2, ethyl acetate etaoc, and butanol buoh fractions, we investigated wdc extracts effect on the collagenstimulated platelet aggregation. The demonstration of antimicrobial activity of crude extracts of a. While, thrombin and bleeding time were also prolonged in dose dependent manner which is highly significant p. Different parts of these plants are used in traditional medicine to treat conditions such as asthma. Chapter 5 evaluation of selected south african plant. Various plant extracts exhibit antiaggregatory action in vitro. Lower ec 50 values in the antioxidant and antiplatelet studies are indicative of superior activity of the plant extract against oxidation and platelet aggregation. There is resurgent interest in exploring the anti platelet activity of medicinal plant extracts because these are cost. To delineate the extract components responsible for this dual activity, an nmr based method was established. Inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by adp presented maximal aggregation to 70 and 57% on extracts of a. The antiplatelet activity of rutin flavonoid may involve the following pathways. The antiplatelet aggregatory activity of acacia nilotica.

Cardiovascular disease cvd is the leading cause of death throughout the world. Plant extracts having an antiplatelet aggregation activity may be a potential choice for development of antiinflammatory drugs because of their natural origin. Additional evidence of antiplatelet activity via the adp purinergic receptors with plantderived extracts can be seen with essential oils of five goniothalamus species found in tropical southeast asia, throughout indochina and malaysia. Among these fractions, at the same concentration, the ch 2. The inhibitory effect of morus alba leaves extracts mae on platelet aggregation induced by collagen. Based on these reports, it is presumed that the antiplatelet activity and regulation of ros generation by wal hull extract are related to its polyphenolic compounds and their antioxidant activity. Pods and tender leaves are reported to treat diarrhoea. The results showed that aqueous red onion extract allium cepa have anticoagulant properties through prevention of coagulation process and clot formation. Pdf antiplatelet activity of methanolic extract of.

M, platelet activating factor 800 nm and collagen 638 nm in a dosedependent manner 2. Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of. However, the recommendations for the use of different dietary supplements are often based on case reports, small clinical experiments, and animal studies, and these supplements are often widely adopted by the public before adequate data about their efficacy and safety are provided 8, 10, 11. This work was aimed to assess the possible antiplatelet activity of sop extracts in 50 % and 70 % ethanol sope 50 and sope 70, respectively. Journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research, 2016, 81. Evaluation of selected south african plant species for antioxidant, antiplatelet, and cytotoxic activity. Research article antioxidant and antiplatelet activities in. Preparation of extracts the extracts were prepared by refluxing each 10 g of the dried coarsely powdered plant material with 100 ml distilled water or with 70% ethanol until boiling and kept overnight.

From the results it can be concluded that celosia argentea l seeds extract exhibited significant antioxidant activity and it might be due to various phytoconstituents in it. Deconvoluting the dual antiplatelet activity of a plant. Antiinflammatory, anticoagulant and antioxidant effects of. Lower ec 50 values in the antioxidant and antiplatelet studies are indica. In vitroin vitro antiplatelet activityguided fractionation. The effects of wdc and its fractions on collagenstimulated platelet aggregation.

Testing antiplatelet and antioxidant activity of the extract. Moreover, our results provide evidence for the involvement of caspase3 in thrombinstimulated platelets and modulation of its activity by the. The extraction of bioactive compounds being the most crucial step in the commercial development of natural products it is essential to have rapid and efficient phytochemical. The antiplatelet activity of aspirin of thromboxane a 2 occurs in response to a variety of stimuli, resulting in irreversible platelet aggregation. Antiplatelet activity of white and pink nelumbo nucifera. The aim of the present study was to investigate the antioxidant, antiplatelet and antiinflammatory activity of cr extract using human blood components. Evaluation of selected south african plant species for. Linn cogn, a plant dr ug of siddha medicine, is an annual monoecious tendr il climber, belonging to the family cucurbitaceae, mostly prevalent in south india. Ulmus macrocarpa hance ulmaceae has been used as a traditional oriental medicine for the treatment of edema, mastitis, gastric cancer and inflammation. Antithrombotic activity of flavonoids and polyphenols rich. Lower ec50 values in the antioxidant and antiplatelet studies indicate superior activity of the plant extract against oxidation and platelet aggregation. The plant extracts were dissolved in saline to obtain serial concentrations of 50, 25, and 12. Antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antiplatelet activities.

The extracts of allium cepa are known for their medical. Bojic e l antithrombotic activity of flavonoids and polyphenols rich plant species, acta harm. The plant is considered to be antispasmodic and antidysenteric. There is resurgent interest in exploring the antiplatelet activity of medicinal plant extracts because these are cost. In vitroin vitro antiplatelet activity guided fractionation of aerial parts ofaerial parts of melothria maderaspatana. Larvicidal activity of some plant extracts against mosquitoes dr. In present study celosia argentea l seeds were selected to synthesise zinc oxide nanoparticles and to evaluate its anticancer and antiplatelet activity. The bioavailability of drugs detoxified by intestinal. Antiplatelet activity of morus alba leaves extract.

Antiplatelet activity of acylphloroglucinol derivatives. Aqueous extracts from the plant leaves may have an additive effect in the treatment of hyperuricemia. Three different fractional methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane extracts from yuzu citrus junos sieb ex tanaka, hallabong c. All extracts showed only moderate inhibitory activity on acetylcholinesterase ache, the most active extract with ic50 27. Among the tissues of the red and green tomato, the mucilage myxotesta covering the mature seeds exerted the maximum antiplatelet activity, which is in. Caesalpinia crista seed exhibits strong anticoagulant and. Plant extracts inhibit adpinduced platelet activation in.

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